Choosing The Best Wedding DJ

Hiring a DJ for a wedding is one of the most important decisions a Bride & Groom will make. Whether you look in the local phone book, on the internet, or at well known wedding sites such as Wedding Wire, The Wedding Channel, and The Knot you will find many companies with prices ranging from as low as $500 and up as high as $2,500. The average seems to be in the $900 – $1,500 area for professionals with years of experience.

As with any product or service the old adage “You Get What You Pay For” is more appropriate today than ever before. Just because someone owns a computer or an ipod does not qualify them as a DJ, just as owning a nice digital camera does not make someone a Photographer.

■ 72% of all brides say they would have spent more time choosing their reception entertainment.

■ Almost 100% say they would have spent more of their budget on the entertainment.

■ Brides say that during wedding planning, their highest priority was their attire, followed by the reception site and caterer – reception entertainment is among the least of their priorities. Within one week after their reception, 78% of Brides say they would have made the entertainment their highest priority!

■ 65% of all couples that chose a band to entertain at their wedding, said, if they had it to do over again, they would have chosen a disc jockey.

■ These surveys conclude that nearly 100% of brides would have spent more money on their entertainment and made it their #1 priority in hindsight.

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